Urban Oman Research

The partner university of the German University of Technology in Oman, Rheinisch Westphälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH) in Germany, sends graduating students to Oman to work their Master thesis in urban design. Their work focusses on re-densification strategies within the large sub-urban sprawl of Muscat. Their thesis claims that urban density is key to measure urban sustainability in a city that expanded very fast and where large distances increase the demand for mobility and consumption of resources.
Two diploma candidates at Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, ETH Studio Basel contribute to an urban portrait of Muscat and Oman. After a semester of analytical research they will produce an urban design based on the thesis that water had a particular role in the development of vernacular urban patterns. Due to its scarcity and the extreme climate, water was put to many uses by means of sophisticated “falaj” systems – a century old irrigation system, that shaped farming and settlement patterns, thereby forming a unique social and cultural landscape. A contemporary approach to urbanism in Oman re-addressing water could lead to a new, including, ecological and social urbanization pattern.
Three Technische Universität Berlin students working on their Master thesis in urban management examine detailed processes of urbanization ranging from climate responsive urban design to rural urban linkages to good governance and land-use allocation in Oman. These written theses contribute to the research reports. Students at undergraduate level at GUtech learn research methods by applying Geo-Information Systems (GIS) while drawing maps and diagrams of research focal areas.
Institution: Rheinisch Westphälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH)
Year: 2013 – present
Type: Co-Examiner on MA Thesis Urban Design
Students: Two masters candidates
Institution: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, ETH Studio Basel
Year: 2013 – present
Type: Co-Examiner on Diploma Thesis Architecture
Students: Two diploma candidates
Institution: Technische Universität Berlin
Year: 2012
Type: Co-Examiner on MA Thesis Urban Management
Students: Three masters candidates
Institution: German University of Technology in Oman (GUtech)
Year: 2012–2013
Type: Elective Seminar on Geo Information Systems
Students: 36 Undergraduate students
Institution: German University of Technology in Oman (GUtech)
Year: 2011
Type: Consultancy / Research workshop
towards the urban redevelopment of the historic core
of Muscat, namely Muttrah
Students: 15 Undergraduate students