The books, edited by aurelVR and designed by Johanna Siebein from Studio Laucke Siebein in Berlin,cover specific topics of architecture and urban design, design education, design computation and urban geography.
The book Urban Elements documents the course Advanced Studies in Urban Design held in 2017 at the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) in Singapore. It showcases a new urban design pedagogy for high-density tropical cities like Singapore. The book collects teaching methods to deliver communicable, teachable and applicable outcomes for urban designderived from research at the Future Cities Laboratory (FCL).
von Richthofen, A., ed. (2018). Urban Elements - Advanced Studies in Urban Design. Singapore: Singapore ETH Centre. https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000270354.
Aurel’s dissertation on Spatial Diversity and Sustainable Urbanisation in Oman examines the consequences of urbanisation triggered by rapid economic and demographic growth in Oman since 1970 on spatial diversity. The hypothesis of this dissertation postulates that a differentiated spatial, temporal and structural understanding of spatial diversity in the form of land use maps, spatial diversity indices and urbanisation models can lead to a more resilient and sustainable form of urbanisation in Oman.
von Richthofen, A. 2019. “Spatial Diversity and Sustainable Urbanisation in Oman.” Dissertation, Braunschweig: Technische Universität Braunschweig. https://doi.org/10.24355/dbbs.084-201901220928-0.
The portfolio aurelVR covers the design work from 2009 to 2013 with international architectural, urban design competitions, research, teaching and consultancy.
von Richthofen, A. 2013. aurelVR Architecture - Research, Teaching, Projects 2009 to 2013. Berlin. http://issuu.com/aurelvr/docs/aurelvr_issuu
Aurel’s most important academic publications are:
Cummings, V., von Richthofen, A. & Babar, Z. (2019). Arab Gulf Cities in Transition: Space, Politics and Society. ETH research collection. https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000339841
von Richthofen, A. “Transferring Research Knowledge into Urban Design Education.” In Future Cities Laboratory: Indicia 02, edited by Stephen Cairns and Devisari Tunas. Singapore ETH Centre: Lars Muller Publishers, 2018. https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000334719
Cummings V., von Richthofen A. (2017). “Urban Sustainability as a Political Instrument in the Gulf Region Exemplified at Projects in Abu Dhabi.” Edited by Tim Freytag, Byron Miller, and Samuel Mössner. DIE ERDE – Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin, Cities and the politics of urban sustainability, 148 (4): 253–67. https://doi.org/10.12854/erde-148-53
Aurel's list of publications can be found on Zotero and the FCL webpage.