Qurm Villas

Based on parametric principles to distribute program and negotiate site constraints such as view, sloping terrain and privacy, each villa carries the identity of the inhabitants while being similar to the generic model. The villas feature particular spaces depending on individual preferences setting the hierarchy for the following secondary residential, circulation and service spaces. The resulting villas form a dense group that occupies the site in reminiscence of vernacular Omani tribal settlements. At the same time the houses cast shade onto each other and create a favorable micro-climate. The facade pattern breaks the cubic volumes into even smaller elements according to a mathematical quadtree logic similar to the traditional mashrabiya: an Arabic term given to a type of projecting oriel window enclosed with carved wood latticework.
Authors: Aurel von Richthofen with Michaela Schweizer
Place: Qurm, Oman
Year: 2011
Size: 800 m2
Type: Study commission
Client: Undisclosed