Realstadt Exhibition

New Bowkunde TU Delft model featured at Realstadt Exhibition in Tresor Berlin. Fuse-deposit cnc model in acrylic resin. Dimensions 32 cm diameter, 2,5 cm height.

Exhibition Text available in German only:

Der Wettbewerbsbeitrag für einen neuen Universitätscampus in Delft hinterfragt die traditionelle Trennung der Bereiche Lehre, Forschung und Projektierung und sucht die Annäherung der Lehrenden und Studierenden in einer neuen räumlichen Typologie. Die einzelnen Fakultäten werden als Campus innerhalb des Campus verstanden. Die komplexe Programmatik verlangt eine verzweigte räumliche Hierarchie. 

Der Entwurf basiert auf einem „circle-packing“ Algorithmus, also einem raum-optimierenden Verfahren zur Verteilung von Kreisen. Die einzelnen programmatischen Anforderungen, Studios, Büros, Vorlesungsräume, Bibliotheken, Mensa werden als Kreise, bzw. „Bubbles“ unterschiedlicher Größen interpretiert. Diese ordnen sich dann funktional, mithilfe eines weiteren „genetischen“ Algorithmus zu einem flächendeckenden Cluster an. 

Das Modell ist im "fuse-deposit" Verfahren auf einer Stratasys Machine gedruckt (weiß-opake Strukturen) und dann in Epoxit-Harz (durchsichtig) gegossen.

walk through the exhibit

New Bouwkunde

New Bouwkunde is a radical design for a new school of architecture at Technical University of Delft. The program called for more than 2000 spaces. These were organized algorithmically and optimized for spatial efficiency. Study, project and research within a school of architecture are normally shaped by an intimate relationship of scholars and students within a tight educational community. Not at Delft where the sheer number of more than 5000 students of architecture outgrow any sense of personal scale.

Tour de Babel

Tour de Babel is an installation for the Centre Franco-Omanais (CFO) in Muscat, Oman on the occasion of the month of francophonie and the celebration of international peotry in March 2014. The tower consist of 700 boxes of 150x200x300 mm made specifically for the event. All 700 language students of the CFO took one box home and wrote a poem on it. The boxes were then assembled to for the Tour de Babel - literally built with poems written in more than 30 languages.


The research on Urban Oman and the Arab Gulf examines the consequences of urbanisation triggered by rapid economic and demographic growth in Oman and the Arab Gulf. The research is structured in three parts: ‘Arab Gulf Cities in Transition: Towards New Spatialities’; ‘Urban Oman – Trends and Perspectives of Urbanisation in Muscat Capital Area’; ‘Spatial Diversity and Sustainable Urbanisation in Oman’.

Portfolio 2002-2009

This Portfolio 2002-2009 is primarily an archive of projects gradually expanding through teaching and practice. In analogy to the periodic table this archive can hold, but also predict, elements before their actual discovery or realization in design. Within this framework the projects resist a reductive chronological or typological classification, common to many architectural portfolios.