Scitech TV - City
Scitech TV documents the research project sponsored by the Research Council Oman "Towards Sustainable Patterns of Urbanisation in Oman" conducted by GUtech and SQU a second time, featuring Aurel von Richthofen, Maryam Zargar Yaghoubi and Sebastian Langer as well as GUtech students.
The documentary traces the research team as they visit three places in Muscat in search of socially, economically end ecologically sustainable urban design. Based on the findings the researches develop a parametric model for the "Sustainable City in Oman". Based on locally adapted criteria of sustainability this computer based model is at the same time a tool for analysis, design and visualisation. The tool is demonstrated with a compact city for Oman - a sustainable neighborhood modelled for Al Khoudh. Click on CC for English Subtitles. (C) Scitech TV, Berlin