Finalist in 2 stage, international, cross-disciplinary design competition for a new signage and orientation system for the Castles and Gardens of Saxony, in Germany in 2010 – 2011 (Informations- und Leitsystem für die Schlößer und Gärten Sachsens). aurelVR and Studio Laucke Siebein teamed up and entered the project 'Tournesol'.

Tournesol - Infographics Saxony is a new signage and orientation system for the Castles and Gardens of Saxony, Germany. The Castles and Gardens of Saxony are a cultural treasure of particular dimensions. The heritage circumscribes historic monuments, buildings, gardens and parks actively used as recreational facilities, museums, event spaces and concert halls.
The infographic system aims to unite and transport information about these spaces. The proposed system organizes historical, geographical, architectural and botani- cal data in temporal and spatial ways. Based on a matrix data is classified, weighed and contextualized. The graphic design responds to this distinction of information domains into present, history and events. The combination of informa- tion domains and information levels can be transported to various information media ranging from apps to flyers, posters, signage and spatial landmarks. The signage system follows a holistic approach whereas information is understood as a dynamic component of a stratified cultural landscape.
Most prominently, it proposes a spatial display system. As sculptural elements of high recognition value, these displays unfold the information and reach into the land- scape. The display system made of laser-cut steel panels can unfold into labels, benches, tables or multi-membered signage panels for indoor and outdoor use. The colorful objects complement the heritage landscape and highlight the added informative value. These elements form a playful addition to the urban furniture and can be recognized
easily for as landmarks for orientation. Furthermore they can be used as optical markers for ‘augmented reality’.
Authors: Aurel von Richthofenwith Thomas Pierce, Tom Pompeiani, Tanja Kulminska in collaboration with Johanna Siebein (graphics) and Andreas Schütz (industrial design)Place: Saxony, GermanyYear: 2010–2011Size: variableType : CompetitionClient: Castles and Gardens of Saxony
